Wednesday, January 25, 2006

i want a cat

I'm house-sitting for my uncle right now while him and his wife are on a cruise. It's made me miss my cat. Their cat Lucy (or girly) is just so darned cute and loveable. So really, I want a cute, friendly cat. Not just any punk cat will do. If it could be slightly crazy too, I think that would be fun.


Anonymous said...

Also make sure not to get a cat that has terrible claws like Lucy. Damn those things hurt.

bag marla said...

get one, get one, get one!!

Anonymous said...

Nooooo ! I realize my vote might not count for a lot since I live so far away (currently anyway), but I am so scared of cats, it's just not a good scene.

bag marla said...

Um, yeah, since my vote totally counts because, well, I say so, I vote that Heather's vote doesn't count *hi Heather!!*

You should totally get a cat, Chelle, and I think if you do you should make sure to get a cat that makes the occasional chicken noise. I would also recommend looking into a cat that can magically change direction in mid-air. That would be awesome.

bag marla said...

did you get a cat yet??

Anonymous said...

Okay Marla, I'm in, but ONLY if it's a magic cat that changes direction in the air and only does cute cuddly cat like things, not the violent clawing :)

bag marla said...

alright, that's a total deal. no one wants violent clawing, not even me!