Monday, November 27, 2006

follow up

And the mom set up continues.

I talked with HAS today. Finding out how the double date went was high on my priorities of things that needed to be covered during the course of our conversation. These are the very first two things she said:

"It sure was great catching up with you mom!"
"[insert mom's bf's name here] sure is nice..."

Notice she mentions nothing of her supposed date. We chatted more, and there may or may not be a follow up coffee date. Le boy made a fatal mistake in not loving the Vanier Cup, or at least pretending to be interested in it. Will he recover? Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Go HAS!!

Unknown said...

I vote for forgiveness. The Vanier cup can't be everything can it?

What if he's a really good polka dancer?

You have you ask yourself what you're willing to trade is all...